
NURS 100 课程描述 and General Information

I. 课程描述

This  ten (10)  credit  course  introduces  the  basic  技能  and  knowledge  required for competency as  a nursing assistant caregiver. It includes instruction in personal care 技能, roles, and responsibilities of the nursing assistant, communication 技能, safety, and emergency procedures. Successful completion of this course allows the student to take the licensure exam under OBRA, fulfilling requirements as set forth by the State of Washington for healthcare professionals. NURS 100符合录取标准 requirement for application into the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College Nursing Program.

请注意: CPR and First Aid requirements included in the course must be successfully met prior 转到临床轮转.

II. 课程内容

  1. The student must demonstrate competency and knowledge at a passing rate of 80% compiled score on exams, quizzes, clinical competency, and written 技能/personal learning 技能.
  2. The student must demonstrate competency of 技能 in the practice lab and in the clinical 设置.
  3. 出席 is mandatory for successful completion of the course.
  4. CPR and First Aid training for healthcare providers is required. 这个培训是 part of the course curriculum, and the student must attend. CPR卡片和急救 card will be provided upon successfully completing this training.
  5. A final grade will be recorded with the Registrar’s Office.  证书将是 provided upon successful completion of this course.

3. 教练: 蒂娜·艾维- tavey@dilidally.net(文纳芝校区)

IV. 需要的书

  1. “Nursing Assisting; A 基金会 in Caregiving” Diana Dugan, RN Hartman Publishing 公司., 2023,第6版.

V. 课程供应/制服

  1. A “journal” type notebook is required for journal assignments.  活页纸可以 不被接受.
  2. A name badge, which is provided by WVC.
  3. Scrubs: A scrub top is provided by WVC on loan to the student. 学生是负责任的 用来洗衣服. Lost or damaged scrub tops will result in a $75.00美元的学费给学生. White scrub pants and white washable shoes are required.

VI. 免疫接种记录

Documentation of student immunization status is essential to ensure the health and safety of students and the patients/clients/residents in healthcare agencies that provide clinical learning experiences. Lack of compliance with any of these requirements will prevent the student from entering the clinical area and completing clinical training.

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College reserves the right to add to or modify these requirements 根据需要.

7. 出席

出席 is mandatory during the theory and the clinical portions of the course, 为了… 
comply with the requirements, set by the State of Washington to meet the expectations for the 护理助理 Certified. This includes being punctual and remaining through 课程的时长. Any absences from the theory/clinical portion of NURS100 will be addressed with instructor on an individual basis. Failure to meet this requirement may result in non-completion of course.  例外情况包括疾病.  在事件  of  illness  or  crisis  situations, the student  must  contact 老师 prior 开始上课.

8. Simulation Lab Information/Expectations

While working or practicing in the Sim Lab, the student must

  1. 要求穿闭头鞋. Open-toed shoes or sandals are prohibited at all times when in the Sim Lab, classes, and clinical sites.
  2. Wear your name badge at all times.
  3. Wear scrubs or professional dress with a lab jacket. 手术服或实验服就可以了 worn at all times by students while in the Sim Lab.
  4. Clothing should allow student to engage in all lab/patient scenarios in a professional 的方式.

 IX. Additional Course information/Expectations

  1. Lab jackets will be available to the student when engaged in the lab 设置. A $20.00 will be assessed for a lost or damaged lab jacket ("damage” will be determined by 老师.) Payment of damage/loss fee is mandatory; grades will be held until 收到全额付款.
  2. Use of electronic devices, including texting, is not allowed during lecture or classroom 活动. 学生 may not have cell phones physically on them during clinical rotation.
  3. Wearing a mask during classes is required; ensure social distancing as much as possible. Attestation must be completed daily before the beginning of classes.
  4. 出席 at clinical orientation is mandatory.